Downtube Update

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Aug 31st 2021

There has been alot of interest on the future of the Downtube, so I wanted to clarify a few things.

Firstly, the Downtube will not close. Many people have asked me about closing, this is not the intent. I have started something special for the past 19 years. I want to transfer it into better hands. There is no logical reason to close. I merely want to step away and do something different. I see no reason to do this forever, I have achieved my goals of providing awesome bikes at amazing prices. It feels like a reasonable time to begin a transition.

Additionally, I have decided that I will gift the business to my children to run with my friend that has been running it lately. My kids are still young, the eldest is 14. Hence there is no reason to rush anything. I hope they will honor my intent of continuing a socialistic/capitalistic business model. However, the future will not be up to me. I will continue placing orders to make sure they have solid inventory. I will answer questions, and I will always help out. However I expect changes in day to day responsibilities to happen over time.

Personally I have a few goals. The main ones are to become a chess grandmaster, and to turn refugee camps into cities by teaching residents to grow their own food ( via Back to the Garden of Eden method ). I have been an avid "Back to Eden" gardener for the past three years. I would love to share this new passion with as many people as possible.

So everyone relax, we hope to continue for another 19+ years. I believe the future of Downtube will be bright.