Bicycle Hit by a Car? How to get out safely!

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

Are you concerned about bicycling in traffic? Worried about getting hit by a car? Over the years, I have been hit about five times. I have not sustained any injuries in car/bike crashes, and I will share some advice.

1. Make sure to wear a helmet- You never know what the future brings, please wear a helmet just in case.

2. Stay calm - Don't panic, everything will be ok. 

3. Stay up not down - You never want to be under a car. Try to stay on top of the car, by jumping on the hood ( or any other part of the car.

4. Relax until the car stops - Don't do anything until the car comes to a stop.

A few years ago I was hit on my bicycle by a car driven by a student of mine in the Bahamas. He hit me at a roundabout and totaled by rear wheel, and did not stop...actually he accelerated after impact. I jumped off the bike and landed on the hood of the car and went for a little ride. Eventually he stopped and apologized. Please see the below pictures of my bike after the accident.

bicycle rear wheel broken from car accident

bike broken in accident with car