Growing Healthy Food at Home

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Oct 28th 2021

Four years ago I watched "Back to the Garden of Eden". It changed my life, I instantly brought in many truck loads of wood chips to nourish my soil. I added restaurant compost, and added bees & chickens this past year.

Over this short time I have over 1000 strawberry plants, over 100 blueberry bushes, over 50 honeyberry bushes, and over 100 fruit trees ( mostly exotic ). I am amazed that the development of the orchard & garden has been plants reproduce many fold each year. 

The food tastes better, since taste is a derivative of the soil. Good soil brings the true flavor in the food. I do not fertilize, since the wood chips make perfect soil, no pesticides....we used beneficial nematodes to remove them. Weeding has been difficult, but once I finish weeding the groundcover will keep weeds at bay.

Are you interested in growing your own food. Send me a note, I would love to help.

Eventually, I want to turn refugee camps into having people grow their own food.