Wire vs kevlar beaded tires & How to fold both

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Oct 4th 2021

Most tires have wire beads, and some have kevlar beads. What is the difference???

Kevlar beads are lighter, and fold into a small package. They are marketed as folding tires, because they are easy to fold. They are sold at premium prices

Wire beads are slightly heavier ( 50-90 grams ) and much cheaper. Some people refer to them as "non- folding". However this is not accurate. They fold perfectly with the following procedure:

1. Create a figure 8 with the tire.

2. Fold the figure 8 in half.

Essentially this technique will make the tire 1/4 as long and wide. Making a tiny folded package for a non-folding tire :) Try it and tell us what you think.