Warranty parts over the years

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Oct 4th 2021

As a small company we are setup to have near zero warranties. Once we have repeated warranty issues we make changes to stem the nonsense. Here is our list of faulty products that has been replaced.

1. Sturmey Archer 8sp hub. The hub is just trash, they changed the original to a "w" version and it is slightly better trash. Both fail with high probability. We discontinued the use of their hubs.

2. Rear reflector placement. On our early model bikes we had many rear reflectors break in shipping. We modified their placement, and they hardly ever break.

3. Folding pedals. The small bearings get junk in them and they fail much faster than standard pedals. We upgraded the size of the bearings, they are not perfect, but they are much better than the older versions.

4. Saddles. We had saddles ripping from metal that holds the cardboard together. That is a minimal risk now.

Over the years I have seen one off warranties on cranks, BB's, wheels, and a few other things. However 1-4 were the only repeat problems that we made changes to address.