Feeling bike a bird on a bike

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Oct 3rd 2021

About four years ago I worked as a delivery cyclist for Jimmy John's in Greensboro. It was one of the most enjoyable jobs in my life. I learned to "bike by feel"...what does that mean. I stopped watching for red lights, traffic, etc. I did what feels right, knowing I would be safe. I learned this concept after a strange situation. I was stopped at a red light near my home. The light turned green, and I just stood there waiting. I questioned myself, why did I not go...the light was green. A split second later a car went through the red light at around 50mph. I did not see the car, had I went I would have been sideswiped at high speeds. After that interaction, I understood to do what feels right.

I did the bicycle delivery for eight months, until I took a teaching position at Eastern Oregon University. As I kept cycling I was able to get closer and closer to cars on turns at high speeds. Eventually, I was able to merge into and out of high speeds traffic seamlessly drafting behind the cars. I felt like a bird playing with the wind around cars. It was dangerous, but fun. Most importantly it felt right, I was one with the environment just playing.