Derivation of naming for XFS & XS folding bikes

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Oct 20th 2021

The XFS & XS names were derived from our earlier models dating back to 2002. I was working on our first folding bike, I wanted to name it the Revolution, and I tested it out while teaching in the Virgin Islands. Unfortunately, Revolution was too long for a bike looked weird. However, the bike was a 6sp, and it was tested in the Virgin Islands.....hence VI name was born. VI stands for the Virgin Islands and the roman numeral 6 ( for 6 speed bike ).

Eventually we moved on to VIIIFS, and VIII for 8 speed full suspension and 8sp front suspension bikes. In 2006/2007 we moved to 9FS, and 9, because roman numerals were getting confusing. After introducing new models we concluded 9S was better suited than 9. In 2020 we have introduced 10 speed models, which is the perfect time to go back to roman numerals. Hence we have XFS & XS are the extension of our main models since 2005.