Carrying a Baby on a folding bike

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 23rd 2021

Traditionally there were two ways to take a child on a bike trip: Baby seat in the back, and child trailer behind. There have been cheap plastic child seats that hold the child in front of the rider, however they are flimsy and unstable ( dangerous ). A customer just informed me of a new option for new parents, the Tyke Toter replaces the cheap plastic front seat with a solid steel tube railed seat. Let's discuss all three.

1. Rear seat- Topeak has one of the best baby seats with suspension elastomers n the design. I consider it top quality. The only problem is the child gets a prime view of your butt. It is hard for them to see anything. Hence my daughter ended up sleeping on every ride.

2. Rear Trailer- Thule Chariot is the hot brand with models selling for upwards of $1000. I used our trsiler with two kids and they always played inside. they had great views in every direction. It was fun for everyone. I highly recommend a nice trailer, especially for two kids.

3. The Tyke Toter is new and interesting. I expect it will twist occasionally, but it should be easy to twist it back to center. Overall this will be a game changer if this thing works. Please let me know if you have one. ( Update 10/5/21 A customer tell s me he needs to move his legs in an unnatural manner to avoid hitting the child, this causes pain after 20 minutes of riding. Therefore this may not be as good as I hoped )