Folding Bicycle Blog

Winter Cycling: Shoes and Socks

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

Standard cycling socks work best for temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In colder temperatures riders should use wool cycling socks for warmth. Standard wool socks will be too thick for your … read more

Winter Cycling: Hats and jackets

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

Cycling in the cold requires special clothing. We will assume you will wear a helmet which will warm your head, however it is not enough when temperatures drop below 40 degrees ( Fahrenheit ). Ones he … read more

Tips & Tricks for mountain biking

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

I have been teaching my kids about cycling and I decided to make a list of tips/tricks for kids and adults:1. On trails with lots of small bumps go fast and you will ride on the top of the … read more

Bicycle mail order sales over the years

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

The evolution of bicycle mail order Before the internet, (yes, kids, there was a time when there was no internet) bicycles were not generally sold via mail order. Almost all new bikes were sold th … read more

Green Companies: How does the Downtube Compare?

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

Examining the Downtube carbon footprint It’s easy to understand why a company should be ‘green’ these days. The news is filled with stories of horrendous changing climate events, rising water level … read more