Folding Bicycle Blog

Shifter housing compared to brake housing

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 28th 2021

Bike shops have housing for brakes and shifters separate. Why? They look the same.They are actually quite different. The diameter of the cables are different. Additionally, gears are more sensitive to … read more

Brake Bosses

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 28th 2021

Brake bosses are the interface on the frame & fork that hold brake calipers. I have worked on bikes for decades without looking at them. They are like an invisible part, they are there but no one … read more

Handling a V shaped downhill, followed by an uphill

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 26th 2021

This article is for mountain bikes, not folding bikes. Don't use your folder on off-road trails.Assuming you are on a trail that goes downhill, then sharply shifts uphill, essentially the trail forms … read more

Spokes & Nipples on wheels

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 26th 2021

Spokes are made of many materials stainless steel is the most common for quality wheels, however titanium is possible. Both are corrosion resistant, and soft which allows the wheel to flex. Making the … read more

Plans for the website

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 26th 2021

In the past few weeks I added 60 blog posts. I hope to continue this activity moving forward. In a few weeks I will start to edit the FAQ. I want to it to become a complete resource for everything rel … read more