15k per month for top searches
Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 26th 2021
Four years ago I was offered page 1 organic searches on a major search engine in exchange for $15k per month in paid searches. I promptly mentioned that such a transaction was illegal, the rep didn't seem to care, he was fresh out of College and knew more than I did. I understood I would never pay for organic searches, especially if it was disguised as an ad payment. Regardless, my rankings tumbled for years.
I noticed citizenbike was high on searches, so I figure they must have paid the ransom. Recently citizenbike's rankings have tumbled to page 2, and sometimes page 3. I assume they have walked away and will suffer the wrath of the search giants. ( I get daily search ranking reports ).
Please be aware your search results maybe based on the company that pays the search engine the most monthly income....implying the search is not organic. Please consider changing your searching & buying to accommodate a system that needs fixing!