Europa cycle kids trip. A European bicycle family trip

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Nov 7th 2017

I have taken my kids on several RV trips when they were younger. Now they turned 8 & 10 I wanted to take them on a bike trip. So we decided to go to Europe for a week cycling and van riding experience. I brought three different bicycles. I rode a 9FS ( my favorite bike ), and the kids shared a mini and a suspension Race mountain bike. All three fit into our Downtube suitcases, but the Race mountain bike needed some disassembly. The others were easy to to fold and fly.

Day 1 we flew into Amsterdam and went to IJMUIDEN which is a beach town. We stayed at the Apollo, and took our bikes out for a nice ride around the town. We were happy to see bike paths everywhere. We biked all around the town and ended up at a playground at the beach. It's hard to get my kids away from the playground, so we stayed for most of the day. The water was chilly, but some people were swimming in May. My daughter loved the water as you can see below.

beach in the Netherlands

sunny beach in Europe